Big Update - Announcing a New Direction for 2025

You might be into this

Happy New Year! I hope 2025 is a great one for you.

It is a crisp, bright, blue-skies-and-sunny day here, just the kind of day I love at this time of year. We need it in January!

And I’ve got an announcement to make. It does not relate to online business directly, but rather another project that may be of interest to you.

Short version: I have another project related to coaching and wellbeing, where I produce content with the goal of helping people feel less anxiety, stress and pressure in their lives - and instead, more freedom, clarity and contentment!

If you are interested, you can subscribe to my other newsletter to receive emails on these topics. You can also get a taste of what you’ll get on that newsletter towards the end of this email.


Several years back, I had an experience of anxious feelings that was quite new to me and sent me on a path of finding out what was happening “under the hood”, so to speak.

It led me on a cool and exciting journey of understanding how our experience of life comes about. But more importantly - how that understanding helps us live a life of more freedom and enjoyment.

I always had a keen interest in psychology and how people worked. In my quest to understand anxiety and what was going on, I devoured many podcasts, books and videos from a variety of different teachers.

I got a HUGE amount - and still do - from the work of Dr. Amy Johnson, Michael Neill and more “spiritual” teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Michael Singer, and Mooji.

(In case you haven’t heard of him, Mooji is awesome by the way - look for him on YouTube!).

In 2020, I started a coaching course to share with others the huge benefits I had experienced from following one particular teacher.

After that, I worked with some clients and produced some content - but it didn’t get a huge amount of focus given my other work. But the benefits from going on this exploration (or whatever you might call it!) were huge.

So, what’s next?

Bring on 2025!

Now, with the birth of a new year, I’m ready to get stuck in to sharing what I’ve seen much more - and hopefully helping others in the process! 

My content seems to resonate with those who need it or who are just interested. And if I can continue to help people with any struggles they may be facing, or just to smooth their path in any way to help them achieve what they want, that is awesome!

I mentioned I’ve personally gotten a LOT from this exploration over the past several years - and I I want to pass this on and share what I’ve seen with others. I also can’t imagine not having heard from the people I mentioned above, if they hadn’t decided to share what THEY had seen and experienced.

They could easily have just gone on with their lives, never writing anything down or recording anything to share with others.

My life is so much richer because Mooji, Michael Singer and Eckhart Tolle decided to just talk about their experiences and what they learned! I’m really thankful for that.


That brings me to here - if you are interested in any of the above and hearing what I’ve learned and experienced about living a life where the likes of anxiety, stress, pressure and other feelings can fade into the background, then please do sign up for my other newsletter!

You may not even sign up for the reasons I mention above. You may already be completely Zen 🙂 Either way, my content should still help with anything and everything in your life because we’re talking universal concepts and principles here.

I plan to email weekly. I’ll be sharing tips, insights, reminders and resources to help with understanding ourselves, realising our wellbeing and more every Thursday (or at least weekly!):

Want to see some of my stuff first?

I get it - you are probably on a lot of newsletters! I’ll add some links below to give you a flavour of the kind of content you’ll get to explore when you subscribe:

First of all, here is my blog with a variety of resources and links.

Medium article

If you’d like a good overview of how I got into this area, I highly recommend this piece (I’ve removed the paywall setting):

What To Do About A Low Mood?

This post contains a video that proved very popular on a Facebook group late last year: “What to Do About a Low Mood.” May be helpful if you’re in a slump right now and open to a new perspective.

UK Anxiety Charity blog

I recently had an article published on the blog of a charity in the UK called “No Panic”:

Podcast: Anger and Parenting - how to understand anger and have a happier family life

A podcast with Clare Assante from Blindsided by Thought"

A popular article on Medium

My take on this has slightly shifted over the past year, but it’s still a solid read.

Short Insight Timer tracks / guided meditations

You may have never heard of Insight Timer before, but it’s a hugely popular app! Much bigger than Calm or Headspace! They just need to work on their marketing a bit more.

If you get anything from these tracks, I’d appreciate you leaving a review or rating (note: you must be using the app to leave one, and I recommend downloading it).

So if you like the sound of all of this, do subscribe and I’ll see you there!

Stay tuned there for insights into what I’ve learned and how it’s proven transformative for me.

It just might be for you too.

Side note - the Niche Ranger newsletter isn’t going anywhere. I plan to continue with the occasional online business update here.
